Wednesday, August 6, 2008

No More Busyness

Today, I happen to once again pick up Joyce Meyer's book I Dare You. It talks in detail how we can embrace life with passion. I'm not the busiest person as of this writing and it's a welcome change. Slowly, I have grown accustomed to this laid back way of living. It got me thinking if I wanted this slower pace in life permanently. It did cross my mind a couple of times to choose a career option that is less demanding. One that doesn't require me to be on call 24/7. A job that gives me time to do things I love. Striking a balance may not that difficult after all if I choose to do so. I know at some point, I'd look for the madness but Joyce Meyer wrote something relevant and apt at this time.

"Stay busy for long periods of time, like weeks or months, and you'll find it very hard to take a break when you have a chance to do so. It's hard to relax and give yourself permission to catch your breath, to read a book for enjoyment or to sit down and watch a movie on television. Thank God, it is never too late to make a fresh start. Our attitudes need to change and our priorities definitely need to adjust."

I agree that everyone is in a rush to get somewhere, and yet few even know where they are going. We don't even know what this busyness is all about. Today is an example of how I spent my quiet Wednesday. Perfect quiet bliss.

1. I woke up around 7:30 AM and brewed myself a cup of hot coffee. I paired it with my favorite ensaymada from Mary Grace and read the Philippine Daily Inquirer and Philippine Star. Not really from cover to cover but I went through articles I thought I should be kept abreast with.

2. Just before lunch, I helped Ma in the kitchen. Preparing meals is something I enjoy lately so I was cutting up red peppers, potatoes, carrots and onions for a nice, creamy soup on this cloudy day. I was happily dicing away. Observing Ma in the kitchen improves my culinary skills. Been cooking a lot lately and this is something completely alien to me years ago but now it's pure enjoyment. It's surprisingly relaxing.

3. After lunch, I read a few chapters of the Bible. Am reading Matthew and it writes about the different parables and teachings and I love reading it. Then I thought of reading up on Joyce Meyer's book again. Was able to leaf through 20 or so pages and it made a lot of sense reading about misplaced passion in life and what wastes our time. My reading will not be complete without my pen and bookmark that serves as my ruler. I love highlighting sentences which I think are important and relevant. Call me a nerd but that's just the way I am lately. Intense at what I do and focused (I think I've been like this even before).

4. As I was doing my reading, I brewed another cup of coffee and when I felt my hunger pangs, I enjoyed a cheese roll on the dining table. Nothing beats this cheese roll from Mary Grace. Not too sweet and soft to the bite. Most of all, it's cheesy. Yummy! Been thinking of having another one but it's going to be too much sugar rush for the day.

5. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner. I headed back to the kitchen and helped in the preparations again. For dinner, we had pan fried salmon, blanched baby pechay topped with toasted onions and steamed chicken. I usually don't eat rice during dinner but just the same, I enjoyed the meal.

I'm simply enjoying this moment while it lasts. I'm taking in as much as I can from this experience. No pressure, no stress, just me and my cup of coffee and a good sensible book.

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