Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Valentine

We're just 4 days past January and my mind is preoccupied thinking of what to do on Valentine's. Again, it's not about me but it's all about the cookies and pastries my family will be selling. Everyone knows how a big thing it is here. There are concerts left and right. Prices of flowers shoot up a few days before the 14th and people are "in love" on this day. I'm hearing "ooohs" and "aaahs" when someone at the office mysteriously receives a bouquet of flowers. Well not me. (Do I sound like I'm complaining?)

I'll be busy in the coming weeks preparing for new concepts in the baking room. As always, I look forward doing creative work. It does make me uptight thinking about the whole thing. On second thoughts, I shouldn't be at all.

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