Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Friendships - A Reason, Season or A Lifetime

Today I was online checking my emails and wasn't really planning to chat that much. I just came from cake decorating class and I've been lacking sleep lately since I've been baking and decorating a lot. (I can't wait for my head to hit the pillow as I type.) On those days when I'm not in class, S, a chef consultant comes to the house and we try different recipes. It's really fun! S has been giving several baking tips and she is truly an angel. Though my schedule is packed lately, I've been enjoying my time learning so many things.

Going back to my friendships, as I was saying, I was able to get in touch with friends today and it has made me realize that some things never change. Friendship is a test of time and distance. Some friends come to us only for a reason, some stay only for a season and there are those that last a lifetime. I'm blessed to have met lifetime friends who share the same values as I do. To this day, I have kept friends I've met since I was four years old and they do complete my life as they keep me grounded and they know me inside out. I also have friends I've known for only a number of years yet they are really close to my heart.

There are also those friendships that only last for a season and they're only meant to be with me for a certain time. Friends do come and go. That's just the way it is. People may come to our lives only for a reason. Maybe to fulfill a purpose, teach us something or to allow us to show their true colors. I've had friends whom I've lost contact with and they turn out to be lasting friendships while there are those whom I've been constantly in contact with but end up to be untrue.

I'm grateful to enjoy a good support system from friends from wherever. Thanks for the friendship! I'm overwhelmed by the outpour of support and affection. There's always a bit of this friend and that in me. :-)

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