Monday, November 17, 2008

A Disconnected Life

It's been a couple of weeks now and still I'm not yet virtually connected at work. It'll happen ... soon. I don't really mind at all. I'm taking my time to read through manuals, individually meet with my staff and learn the ropes of the business. It gives me a lot of freedom not to be hooked up on the net. If ever I do get my inbox and internet access available, I won't have any connection to Yahoo Messenger either. Again I don't mind. I'm actually able to focus more at work this way. No distractions at all. Zero.

I like where I work now. I can balance my life. I get off work at 5:30 PM and by 7:00 PM, I'm at home. This life is growing on me. I'm happy. I'm satisfied and I'm thankful.

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