Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Go Forth and Multiply

I cannot explain how amaze I am with the power of the internet. Since Sweet Success joined Multiply (www.sweetsuccess888.multiply.com), we have been in touch with several people whether via email or phone and these are strangers who ask for quotations or those who want to tie up with us. We receive compliments from strangers who appreciate our works of art. Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, I'm very thankful to be connected with people who share the same passion as I do. It is very encouraging.

It helps that each member of my family are such great team players. Each one has his / her own expertise and we work well together. Pa - marketing, Ma - operations, me - cake / cookie designing, marketing and operations, Marissa - direct marketing and collateral designs, Koc - marketing and Orie - cookie designing, food styling and photography. Orie was also the one who set up the Multiply site. We synergize as a family and it's fun. We discuss business matters as a family and we deliberate on ideas and concepts. It just all fell into place.

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