Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Akbar Cake

I can heave a sigh of relief. I was able to finish my final project just in time. I slept at 2 in the morning today when in fact, I started working on the 5-tiered cake at 4 PM yesterday. You can do the math. I only had yesterday to finish the cake with all the ongoings. I wanted to do more piping but I was running out of time. Nevertheless, I was pleased with my work. It didn't look exactly like Margaret Braun's creation but my cake had a striking resemblance to it. I'd say my work was an inspiration of Braun's Akbar Cake.

The cake wasn't perfect and I learned as I went along. That's how it is when you're a student or learning something new for that matter. You make a mistake the first time and correct on the second time you do it. (I even make mistakes the second time around.) I may not be as forgiving to myself before but I think I am now. I'd be cruel to myself if I expected everything to be perfect every single time. That's tiring. I just won't be able to do that. Everything is a learning process at this point in my life. My life is a work in progress. Whose life isn't anyway?

I'll post the pictures once I've uploaded it to my PC. For now, I'll relish the thought of me successfully finishing my project. I'm ready to take orders now. :-p

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