Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back to High School Days

My whole day basic baking orientation today reminded me of days back in school. It wasn't just about math but it brought me back to my chemistry, physics and other science classes. (I think I'm having a nose bleed again.) While I did enjoy taking down notes and learning new things with Ma (she is my favorite classmate these days), I wished I listened more intently back in high school. I remember not being excited when it was time for lab work. First and foremost, I hate experiments. The process was just too tedious. Test tube A. Test tube B. Results. Conclusion. I don't even recall submitting a paper worth checking by my teacher. My conclusions were just plain DUH.

I was taught several things today about how ingredients react when combined. I didn't even know there were several types of flour, sugar. Baking as it turns out is science. It's about precision and it takes experimenting as well to know how replacing one ingredient yields a different result. I think I should see this exercise of product testing and recipe formulation as fun. My sense of taste is not as developed as Ma but I know this can be learned. For me, food either tastes good or bad. I haven't reached the level of being a food connoisseur. All I know is that I love food and most especially desserts. Yum!

We made 11 recipes today and I got to taste some of them. Most of the baked products were bread and a little of cookies. Being someone with a sweet tooth, I was naturally drawn to the cookies. As for the bread, I was just contented to look at them. I couldn't imagine gobbling up 11 different kinds of bread and cookies in one day. That's just too much carb overload.

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